2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference Author Presentation Policy and Guidelines
NOTE: If you are not the presenting author, please forward these guidelines to the appropriate person.
IEEE Aerospace Conference Presentation Policy
The IEEE Aerospace Conference is a venue for engineers and scientists to present and discuss their work with each other. Only papers presented at the conference in person or by Electronic Presentation Hall (EPH) will be submitted for publication by the IEEE. If you can't comply, please do not submit at all.
A registrant may personally present up to three papers, whether their own or the papers of others. If the registrant is an author of all three papers, the registrant’s single registration fee suffices. Upon payment of a 1-day registration fee, an author who is unable to attend the conference may arrange for a registrant who is familiar with their work to present their paper, or, upon payment of the EPH fee, present a paper via the EPH option. Both the presenter and a minimum of one co-author need to be registered for the conference for the paper to be published.
Preparing for Your Presentation
- You will have 18 minutes for your talk, followed by 5 minutes for Q&A. Please design your charts to fit the time frame and practice to make sure you will not run out of time.
- Most authors find that 10-12 charts are about right, as long as the charts are not overly complex or crowded. A structure that works for most talks is Problem Introduction, Your Solution, Advantages, and Disadvantages, Suggested Applications, Recommendations, Summary.
- You can find the exact time and room for your presentation by logging in and viewing the Conference Schedule under the "resources" drop-down. Use the browser search to find your name or paper number. Check frequently for late changes in the exact time, but be assured you will not be moved from the stated day without us checking directly with you. The schedule will be on the home page once it is finalized.
- If you have special points you would like your Session Organizer to include in your introduction, please send them beforehand. You can find SO email addresses on the conference website homepage under the PROGRAM tab under "Tracks and Sessions."
What to Bring to Big Sky
- Your presentation on your own laptop computer and on a USB memory stick. iPads and smartphones may not display high resolution, and we don't have adapters for them. Please use a laptop. All laptops should be set to a screen resolution of 1920×1080 and with slides in a Widescreen 16:9 ratio.
- Each meeting room is equipped with a projector and cable with a VGA or HDMI connection. Make sure your laptop will connect with one of these types. Make sure your laptop power connection will fit US socket type (A or B).
- If your Session Organizer has asked for a copy of your presentation to place on his/her laptop and confirmed successful receipt, you might travel light. However, as a backup, please at least do bring a copy of your presentation on your own memory stick.
- Casual clothing. The dress is informal at all conference events, even for presenters.
At Big Sky
- Meet your session organizer ahead of the session so that he/she knows you and that you are there. Make sure he/she has enough information to properly introduce you.
- Practice rooms will be available. Check the schedule for room number and time.
Giving Your Talk
- Please arrive well before your scheduled presentation time.
- Please boot your laptop before your start time.
- Since there are no amplification systems in individual meeting rooms, you must speak loudly enough to be heard in the back of the room. This is especially critical for the larger rooms--Jefferson, Madison, and Gallatin. Feel free to invite attendees to move to the front of the room.
- Also, remember to use a pointer, define all acronyms on first use, and take care not to block the screen.
- Enjoy giving your talk, answering questions, and meeting colleagues in your field!
Electronic Presentation Hall (EPH)
- Prepare and submit your paper as usual.
- Once EPH Registration is open, in your "My Submissions" page, click "Presentation Details" and select EPH. You can then register for the conference (Click on Saturday, even though you won't be there in person) and pay the EPH fee.
- EPH presentations will use Zoom as a recording tool.
- Instructions available (Updated 1-28-2022).
- Contact Debbie Minnichelli, the EPH Chair, for questions.