Conference Schedule
Final Conference Schedule
Sun, Mar 2 | Amphitheatre | Jefferson | Madison | Gallatin | Lake/Canyon | Lamar/Gibbon | Dunraven | Cheyenne |
4:00 PM (MT) |
4:30 PM (MT) | 8.0105 A Pathway to the Moon: Marshall Space Flight Center’s Human Landing Systems - Kent Chojnacki | 2.0112 Near-Earth Object Surveyor Project Progress towards CDR - Tom Hoffman | 2.0905 Satellite Initial Positioning Optimization for Passive Multi-Debris Approaches - Giusy Falcone | 4.0103 Comprehensive Analysis of Recent LEO Satellite Constellations : Capabilities & Innovative Trends - Behzad Koosha |
5.0102 Distributed Space System Architecture to Enable Rapid Technology Development -
Andrew Kirby
6.0101 Prototype Testing of the AMR-CR Instrument: Drivers, Implementation, and Results - Lena Siskind | 12.0105 Planning and Executing Psyche’s First Post-Launch Flight Software Update - Shubhodeep Mukherji | 10.0101 Accurate, GPU Accelerated Solar Radiation Pressure Modeling for Exoatmosphere Trajectory Simulation - Vivian Steyert |
4:55 PM (MT) | 8.0106 Lunar Engineering 101 - Milena Graziano | 2.0104 System Engineering Implementation of the Investigation of Convective Updrafts (INCUS) Mission - Alex Austin | 2.0908 The MMOD Hypervelocity Impact Modeling Approach for Dragonfly - Yasin Abul-Huda | 4.0201 High-performance DTN Using Larger Packets - Fred Templin | 5.0104 The Pandora SmallSat: A Low-Cost, High Impact Mission to Study Exoplanets and Their Host Stars - Thomas Barclay | 6.0102 Deep RL for UAV Energy and Coverage Optimization in 6G-Based IoT Remote Sensing Networks - Yonatan melese Worku | 12.0107 The MSL Marathon: Ensuring Uninterrupted Rover Activities in a Dynamic Institutional Environment - Stephanie Oij |
10.0105 Dshell-DARTS: A Reusability-focused Multi-mission Aerospace and Robotics Simulation Toolkit -
Juan Garcia Bonilla
5:20 PM (MT) | 8.0108 Progress in Planetary Protection Development for Crewed Mars Missions - James Spry | 2.0103 Venus Probe Architecture - Robin Ripley | Plenary Setup & Testing | 4.0203 Precision Time Protocol at Picosecond Scale over Asynchronous Ethernet - Alexander Utter | 5.0105 From One Unit Tech Demo to Three Unit Class D Constellation: Ops Lessons from RainCube to INCUS DAR - Shivani Joshi |
6.0103 The Psyche Multispectral Imager Flight Software Interface -
Haley Bates-Tarasewicz
12.0201 Innovations in Mission and Sleep Planning in the NASA Artemis Campaign: HYPNOS - Adam Garrett |
10.0107 Digital Lunar Exploration Sites (DLES) Terrain Crafting -
Cory Foreman
5:50 PM (MT) |
Dancing Robots and the Accelerating Universe: The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Michael Levi, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
6:35 PM (MT) |
7:05 PM (MT) |
8:05 PM (MT) |
FathomVerse: Explore the depths Kakani Katija, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute |
9:00 PM (MT) | 8.0301 Recovery of Rocket Payloads and First Stages Using Unmanned Vehicles - a Proof-of-concept - Kristoffer Gryte | 2.0107 The Endurance Mission Progress - John Baker | 2.0901 Regulating Orbital Decay through Passive Thermochromism in PMPEs for Orbital Debris Remediation - Joseph Ivarson | 4.0204 Security Challenges in Space-based Delay Tolerant Networks - Mohammad Salam | 5.0101 DiskSat Demo Mission: New Paradigm in Small Satellite Architectures - Catherine Venturini |
6.0104 Payload System Design, I&T and V&V Challenges for an Academically Centered Flight Instrument -
Travis Imken
12.0202 Mars Perseverance Rover's Exploration from the Delta Floor to Crater Rim - Vandi Verma |
10.0109 Quantum Computing Use Cases & Impacts for Aerospace Industry -
Charles Chung
9:25 PM (MT) | 8.0302 Modelling Thrust for ABS/N20 Based 3D Printed Hybrid Rocket Engine - Review of Static Fire Results - Pratush Charan Donkada |
2.0113 Mission Status and Initial Results from the Surface Water and Ocean Topography Project -
Parag Vaze
2.0904 Intelligent Small Satellite Swarm Control System for Avoiding in Space Debris - Evan Finnigan |
4.0206 PRABR: Integrating Primary and Backup Routing in pLEO Satellite Networks -
Collin Brady
5.0107 Integration and Delivery of the Deployable Optical Receiver Aperture (DORA) Cubesat - Daniel Jacobs | 6.0201 Europa Clipper Payload Accommodation Overview and Lessons Learned - Greta Studier | 12.0203 Optimal Ground Station Selection for Low-Earth Orbiting Satellites - Duncan Eddy |
10.0110 Development of Spacecraft Molecular Accumulation and Contamination Kinetics Simulator (SMACKS) -
Maxwell Martin
9:50 PM (MT) | 2.0105 Weather System Follow-on - Microwave (WSF-M) Mission Overview - Bailey Moser Smith |
5.0109 Multispectral and Submetric Earth Observation Optical Payload for Micro Satellite Platform -
Xavier Lopez
6.0205 Nonlinear Effects of Loosely Constrained Deployable Mass on Instrument Dynamic Testing and Analysis - Ryan Sorensen | 12.0204 Evolution of Earth Satellite Multi-Mission Flight Operations at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Mark Fujishin | ||||
10:15 PM (MT) |
Fireside Cheer
Mon, Mar 3 | Amphitheatre | Jefferson | Madison | Gallatin | Lake/Canyon | Lamar/Gibbon | Dunraven | Cheyenne |
8:30 AM (MT) | 8.0201 An Evaluation of the IEEE Std 1547-2018 for Power Systems Interconnected on Lunar Habitats - James Hurtt | 2.0102 Results and Lessons Learned from the Psyche Mission Launch and Solar Array Deployment - Travis Imken | 2.1102 The Communication and Computation Architecture for a Universal Space Robotic Joint - Ferdinand Elhardt | Keynote 4.03: Terrestrial-Non-Terrestrial Network integration in the framework of emerging 6G visions: the Euro... - Claudio Sacchi | 5.0202 Small Satellite Mission Design for Robotic Assembly and Reconfiguration of Mechanical Metamaterials - Ashley Kline | 6.0501 Linear Gaussian Models in Target Tracking - Stefano Coraluppi |
12.0205 Dynamic Mission Assurance of Autonomous Distributed Satellite Systems -
Samuel Hilton
10.0112 A Decoupled Approach to Fluid-Thermal Coupling in High-Speed Flow with Convection Boundary Condition - Gorkem Atay |
8:55 AM (MT) | 8.0202 Moon BRICCSS: Moon Blocks Using Regolith ISRU for Corbelled Construction of Sustainable Shielding - Palak Patel | 2.0110 Anomalies on the Psyche Mission: Fault Protection Performance and Lessons Learned - Virginia Sereno | 2.1107 Design and Characterization of a Testbed Simulator for In-Space Robotics - Eddie Hilburn | 4.0301 Airborne Quantum Key Distribution with Boundary Layer Effects and Mach Number - Abdelkrim Menina | 5.0204 Cost-Effective Very Low Earth Orbit Mission for Atmospheric Science - Jose Pedro Ferreira | 6.0502 Bayesian Decision-Level Fusion Algorithm for Addressing Correlated Inputs - Craig Agate | 12.0206 Improving Sequence Traceability during Testing and Review for the Mars Science Laboratory - Jonathan Denison | 10.0203 Removing the Design from the Simulation Speeds DO-254 Pre-silicon Verification - Hamilton Carter |
9:20 AM (MT) | 8.0401 Blue Ring Spacecraft Adaptation for Large Payload Delivery, Hosting, and Relay Services at Mars - Thomas Randolph | 2.0111 GRACE-C Mission Overview - Neil Dahya | 2.1108 Planning for In-Space Robotic Assembly of Modular CubeSats - Leila Freitag | 4.0303 Evaluating Performance in LEO Satellite Communication Networks: NS3-Based Simulation Study - Nour Badini | 5.0207 Multimode Propulsion: Cislunar Rideshare Mission Concept Trade Space Analysis for Small Spacecraft - Tyler Presser | 6.0503 Multiple-Hypothesis Tracking with Unframed Sensor Measurements - Stefano Coraluppi | 12.0302 South Pole Lunar Lighting Effecting Lunar Rover Driving - Harry Litaker | 10.0205 Enabling Interoperable Digital Twins for Collaborative Lunar Exploration - Subhobrata Chakraborty |
9:45 AM (MT) | 8.0402 The Commercial Lunar Payload Services Initiative - Paul Niles | 2.0115 Contingency Decontamination Utilizing Pointing Maneuvers for the Cryogenic SPHEREx Mission - John Alred | 2.1113 Towards Robust Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization via Transformers - Yuji Takubo | 4.0304 Federated Learning and MEC for Disaggregated RAN Monitoring in the 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks - Yonatan melese Worku | 5.0302 Avionics Design Architecture for Low-Cost CubeSat Missions and Lessons Learned from R5-S2 and R5-S4 - Kathryn Knesek | 3.0101 Modeling the Performance of Beam Forming Software Defined Geostationary Communication Satellites - Roland Burton | 12.0303 Lunar Terrain Vehicle (LTV) Remote Teleoperation Studies under Four Lunar Communication Latencies - Harry Litaker | 10.0301 Software for the SpaceDREAM Robotic Arm - Maximilian Mühlbauer |
10:10 AM (MT) | 6.0304 MethaneSAT On-Orbit Lunar Calibrations Planning - Maya Nasr | 2.0108 The PACE Ocean Color Instrument (OCI): From Concept to Commissioning - Robert Estep | 2.1114 A Gaussian Mixture Model for Probabilistic Workspace Generation of Multibody Systems - Nate Osikowicz | 4.0305 Reliable Heterogeneous Multi-Node Quantum Networks for Future 6G Communication - Abdelkrim Menina | 5.0303 Operational Challenges and Achievements of the OPS-SAT-1 Mission - Georges Labrèche | 3.0102 Modelling of IMDs from a Multiple Beams Transmitter under Antennas Crosstalk Conditions - Aymeric Cailleux | 12.0501 A Review of Automation in Small Satellite Operations - Joseph Melville | 10.0303 A Physics-based Sensor Simulation Environment for Lunar Ground Operations - Dan Negrut |
10:35 AM (MT) | 2.0106 Systems Engineering Lessons from NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, Ocean Ecosystem (PACE) Mission - Gary Davis | 2.1115 Capturing Tumbling Objects in Orbit with Adaptive Tube Model Predictive Control - Aaron John Sabu |
4.0401 Acquiring Precision Doppler Measurements with Juno's Ka-band Translator for Increased Science -
Dustin Buccino
5.0304 OPS-SAT-1's Final Orbits and Reentry Analysis amid Mission Extension Attempts - Georges Labrèche | 3.0203 Polarization-Insensitive, Highly-Selective Metasurface-Based Filtenna for Satcom Applications - Ashifa Mohammed Musthafa | 12.0503 Detecting Changes in Long-Term UHF Relay Communications Performance for Mars Surface Rovers - Ryan Mukai | 10.0306 System Architecture for the Humanoid Robot Rollin’ Justin in Context of the Surface Avatar Mission - Adrian Bauer | |
11:00 AM (MT) | 2.0116 Achieving Stability: Systems Design and Analysis Process of the Roman Space Telescope - James Govern | 2.1117 Origami-inspired Structural System for In-space Assembly - Megan Ochalek |
4.0402 Hybrid Lunar Satellite and Cooperative Surface Navigation: A Distributed Estimation Perspective -
Robert Poehlmann
5.0306 Lessons Learned from the NASA TROPICS CubeSat Constellation Mission - Andrew Cunningham | 3.0204 Spiral Wrapped Antenna Technology - Jenna Commisso | 12.0401 Assured Spacecraft Autonomy - Sherry Neher | 10.0307 Evaluating Flight Software Effort Estimation and Reusability Approaches for Planetary Exploration - Sarkis Mikaelian | |
11:25 AM (MT) | 14.03 PANEL: Small Satellite Trending – Past, Present and Future (11:25 - 12:20) - Kara O'Donnell , Nicole Fondse , Stephen Shinn , Lee Jasper , Michael Sanders , Michael Swartwout , Kerianne Hobbs , Joseph Melville | 2.0201 Starship as an Enabling Option for a Uranus Flagship Mission - Daniel Gochenaur | 2.1121 Architecting Autonomy for Safe Microgravity Free-Flyer Inspection - Keenan Albee | 12.0404 Enhancing Satellite Cybersecurity through FPGA-Based Secure Boot - Nicole Webb | 10.0401 Developing a Spacecraft Digital Twin to Parallelize Flight Software and Hardware Development - Ruth Adams | |||
11:50 AM (MT) | 2.0202 Uranus Orbiter and Probe: A Novel Approach to Meet the Challenges - Alfred Nash | 2.1125 In-Space Manufacturing for Flexible Membranes: Process, Applications, and Vacuum Test Insights - Michael Kringer | 12.0406 Pathfinding the Future of Spacecraft Protection with Project-Specific Threat Impact Assessments - Kendra Cook | |||||
4:00 PM (MT) |
4:30 PM (MT) | 14.02 PANEL: Emerging Technologies for Mars Exploration - Larry Matthies , Vandi Verma , Laura Kerber , Michael McHenry , William Reid | 2.0203 Ultra-Violet Exoplanet Explorer - Peter Wurz | 4.0404 Implementation of Regenerative Ranging for Low SNR Scenarios for Software-Defined-Radios - Lindsay White | 5.0308 On-Orbit Performance and Lessons Learned for Autonomous Angles-Only Navigation of a Satellite Swarm - Justin Kruger | 6.0702 Extended Object Tracking Using a Gaussian Process Extent Model and Scene Flow-LiDAR Fusion - Steffen Folaasen | 12.0601 Look Mob, No Hands! Automating Mobility Downlink for the Mars Science Laboratory - Peter Rollins | 10.0403 Enhancing Aerospace Software Quality with Automated Code Review - Jeremy Ludwig | |
4:55 PM (MT) | 2.0205 Technology Supporting the GRACE-C Mission and Other Mass Change Designated Observable Missions - Stephen Bennett | 4.0501 Optimal Satellite Network Topology Design with Time-Dependent Traffic Demands - David Williams Rogers | 5.0402 Building a CubeSat Capstone for Master’s Students - Luke Korth | 6.0703 Advances in Modeling the Performance of Multitarget Tracking Systems - James Helferty | 12.0604 The IPEx Autonomy Test-Site: Terrestrial Testing of Excavation in Lunar South Pole Conditions - Joseph Cloud | 10.0404 Sustainability of Flight Software for Multi-Generational Time Periods - Robert Klar | ||
5:20 PM (MT) | 2.0206 Uranus Cruise and Tour Design Impacts on Science Cost and Risk - Damon Landau | Plenary Setup & Testing | 5.0403 Applying DiskSat Concept to Small Satellite Education Programs - Michael Sanders | 6.0704 An N-Observation Modification to Gooding's Method for Initial Orbit Determination - Daniel Doscher | 12.0605 Cooperation and Coordination Principles for Icy Moon Exploration with Autonomous Multi-Robot Systems - Andrzej Skulimowski | 10.0513 Implementing Artificial Thinking Autonomy with Model-Based Systems Engineering - Mitchell Kirshner | ||
5:50 PM (MT) |
Seeing the Spectrum of the Universe in Gravitational Wave Sebastian Ellis, University of Geneva |
6:35 PM (MT) |
7:05 PM (MT) |
8:05 PM (MT) |
Engaging Engineers though Moral Imagination, Science Fiction, and Creative Diagrams Ben Zevenbergen, Google |
9:00 PM (MT) | 2.0209 EnVision Radio Science and Altimetric Data Processing for Orbit Determination - Tommaso Torrini |
4.0502 Onboard Processing for LunaNet Data Services -
Lori Perkins
5.0504 Predicting the Expected Amount of Observable Space Debris with an SSA Capable Star Tracker. - Thijs Verhaeghe | 6.0801 Developing an Edge Computing Architecture for a Lunar Dust Recognition System - Carmen Misa Moreira | 12.0606 Enabling Verification of Language Instructions through Bidirectional Communication for Astrobee - Joshua Choi | 10.0501 A Simulation Study of the Completion Time of the Endurance Mission - Jeffrey Tsang | ||
9:25 PM (MT) |
2.0210 The Chromospheric Magnetism Explorer (CMEx) Mission Concept -
Patricia Roeske
4.0503 Investigation of Multipath Effects on Mars Relay Network Overflights - Marc Sanchez Net | 5.0505 Development of an Extreme Ultraviolet Imager for the Sun Coronal Ejection Tracker (SunCET) CubeSat - Evan Burger | 6.0804 Topologically Informed Unified Adaptive Multimodal Data Fusion Designs for Auto. Target Recognition - Paul Schrader | 12.0610 The Safe Trusted Autonomy for Responsible Space Program - Kerianne Hobbs | 10.0502 An Application for Model-Based Guided Engineering (MBGE) - Melinda Ong | ||
9:50 PM (MT) |
2.0211 Conceptual Mission to Dim the Sun (DimSun) Using Controllable Swarm of Smallbody Regolith Particles -
Amir Rahmani
7.0901 Pulsed Laser as a Single Event Effects Screening Technique an Introduction - George Ott | ||||||
10:15 PM (MT) |
Fireside Cheer
Tue, Mar 4 | Amphitheatre | Jefferson | Madison | Gallatin | Lake/Canyon | Lamar/Gibbon | Dunraven | Cheyenne |
8:30 AM (MT) | 8:11 PANEL: Nuclear Propulsion Systems - Opportunities and Barriers - Kurt Polzin , Timothy Cichan , Kate Kelly , Thomas Nix , JASON TURPIN | 2.0212 Survey of Mission Concepts for Exploring the Dark Ages Universe - Keenan Albee | 7.0101 Shihab-1: A Cost-Effective Spacecraft On-board Computer with Machine Learning Capabilities - Alexey Simonov | 4.1102 A Unified Software-Defined Radio Framework for Flexible Waveform Design in Non-Terrestrial Networks - Claudio Sacchi |
5.0507 CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK Mission Development Status -
Hannah Tomio
3.0302 Low SWaP X-Band Transceiver for Deep Space Applications - Lucas Wray | 12.0612 Toward Robust Task Execution through Telerobotic Failure Recovery in Space Operations - Anne Köpken | 10.0508 Application of Model-based Approaches for Earth-Observation Missions - Fatma Karagoz |
8:55 AM (MT) | 2.0306 Landing Trajectory Tracking Guidance for Reusable Launch Vehicle Using MPC with SOCP - Da-Hwi Kim | 7.0105 Runway Detection Using a Modified DeeplabV3+ Segmentation Neural Network for Space Applications - Douglas Carssow | 4.1103 Prototyping Cooperative Radio Navigation for Planetary Exploration with Software-Defined Radios - Robert Poehlmann | 5.0601 Silicon Photomultipliers Implemented as Free Space Optical Communication Sensors - Leonardo Gallo | 3.0305 Measurements of Scattering Characteristics of Lunar Regolith for Radio Propagation Analysis - Kento Kimura | 12.0613 A Platform for Autonomous Lunar Rover Rescue - David McDougall | 10.0511 Application of Artificial Intelligence to Model Based Systems Engineering: Initial Case Studies - Matthew Cotter | |
9:20 AM (MT) | 2.0307 Powered Descent Guidance via Sequential Convex Programming with Constraint Function Design - Jaeil Jang | 7.0106 The JPL Snapdragon Co-Processor: A Compact High-performance Computer for Spaceflight Applications - Dennis Ogbe | 4.1105 K/Ka-Band Space-Flight Reprogrammable and Flexible Communications - Frontier Radio - Multi-Lingual - Matthew Angert | 5.0603 1U Membrane-based Deployable Solar Array Engineering Model Testing - Tom Sproewitz | 3.0401 Pathfinding Low Frequency Radio Astronomy with the DORA Radio Background Experiment - Daniel Jacobs | 12.0615 Endurance Rover Sample Return Mission: Challenges and Strategies for Long-Range Lunar Exploration - Richard Kornfeld | 10.0512 Applying Model-Based Systems Engineering on CubeSat Budget Calculating - Ahmad Jbara | |
9:45 AM (MT) | 8.12 PANEL: Radioisotope Power Systems – Expanding Our Reach - June Zakrajsek , Leo Gard , Jacob Matthews , Patrick Frye , Vincent Bilardo , Hannah Sargeant |
2.0309 Approaches for Guidance & Control Distribution for Powered Descent of Chandrayaan-3 -
7.0201 SpaceFibre Onboard Interconnect: From Standard, through Demonstration to Space Flight - Steve Parkes | 4.1107 Fast Software Implementation of a CCSDS LDPC Encoder - Eugene Grayver | 5.0604 Efficient GNSS-Based Attitude Determination and Integer Ambiguity Resolution for 3U CubeSats - Yonghwan Bae | 3.0402 How GRAIL Radio Occultations Could Enable Future Lunar Missions for Mapping the near Surface Dust - Dustin Buccino | ||
10:10 AM (MT) | 9.0202 Station Keeping Vented Solar High-Altitude Balloons with Deep Reinforcement Learning - Tristan Schuler | 7.0202 Titan Bound: The FPGA SoC Design of the Navigation Coprocessor Controller - Matthew Gile |
4.1108 USRP Implementation and Verification of GNSS Multi-Carrier Broadband Waveforms -
Khanh Pham
5.0608 Dynamically Reconfigurable Coprocessor for Floating-Point Arithmetic Capability in Small Satellites - Hezekiah Austin | ||||
10:35 AM (MT) | 9.0208 Autonomous Identification and Localization of Battle Damage on Aircraft Using Infrared-based Sensors - David Ke | 7.0204 SpaceFibre IP Cores for Fast Adoption of Next-Gen FPGA Communication Architectures - Alberto Gonzalez Villafranca |
4.1109 Testset for Cis-Lunar Communications and Navigation -
Eugene Grayver
5.0609 Prototype Testing of a Compact Modular High Voltage Power Supply for Space Applications -
Andrew Kirby
11:00 AM (MT) | 8.13 PANEL: Radioisotope Systems - Advancing Early Lunar Science Capabilities (extends to 12:10) - Milena Graziano , Vincent Bilardo , Jacob Matthews , Stephen Indyk | |||||||
11:25 AM (MT) | ||||||||
12:00 PM (MT) |
Wed, Mar 5 | Amphitheatre | Jefferson | Madison | Gallatin | Lake/Canyon | Lamar/Gibbon | Dunraven | Cheyenne |
8:30 AM (MT) |
14.01 PANEL: Science Autonomy for Future Space Missions: Leveraging Data Driven Methods - Lorraine Fesq , Jack Lightholder , Matt Cross , Pooria Madani
2.0401 Tethered Variable Inertial Attitude Control Mechanisms through a Modular Jumping Limbed Robot - Yusuke Tanaka |
7.0302 Design of a High-Performance EGSE Architecture for the Dragonfly Mission to Titan -
Owen Pochettino
4.0901 ATimescale Concept in AltPNT: A Model-based Control of Networked Systems Approach - Khanh Pham | 5.0610 AI-Driven Efficient Downlink Communication for Limited-Transmit-Power CubeSats in the Ka-band - Mohammed Alqodah | 8.0902 Sustained Lunar Presence Advances in Radioisotope Power Systems for Surviving the Lunar Night - Jacob Matthews | 13.0101 Assessing the Complete Lifecycle of Space Systems: An Extended Technology Readiness Measure - Roshanak Nilchiani | 10.0804 Video-based Methods for Measurement of Vibration Mode Shapes - Justin Chen |
8:55 AM (MT) | 2.0402 Scaling of RoboBall: A Parametric Robot Family for Crater Exploration - Rishi Jangale | 7.0401 The Space Power System Standard - Steve Parkes | 4.0902 On the Theory of Network Architectures in the Solar System Internet - Alan Hylton | 5.0612 The Impact of Gravity-Gradient Stabilization of ADCS Efficiency and Design Optimization in CubeSats - Yasmin Avelino | 8.0903 NASA’s Radioisotope Power Systems Program Status Update and Focus on Commercialization - Carl Sandifer | 13.0102 Ontological Methods of Functional Analysis for Aerospace Concepts - Hamilton Johnson | 10.0805 Resource Efficient FPGA Implementation of SGM Stereo Disparity for a Planetary Rover - Maksim Shevtsov | |
9:20 AM (MT) | 2.0403 MLGTT: An Open-Source Tool to Generate Camera-Relative Ground Truth for Monocular Localization - Joseph Bowkett | 7.0601 Enhancements of FLEX Hyperspectral Data Compression Using High-Performance Embedded Space Computing - Didier Keymeulen | 4.0903 Towards Practical Clock Synchronization in the Solar System Internet - Alan Hylton |
5.0701 Using the Decision Tree (DT) to Help Scientists Navigate the Access to Space (ATS) Options -
William Deininger
8.0904 Sensitivity Analysis of CFM Technologies for Combined NEP-Chemical Mars Missions - Elizabeth Turnbull | 13.0104 Digital Thread Enhancements on the NASA Gateway Program: ACCESS - Cody Wheeler | 10.0810 Evaluating Deep Learning Models for Land Cover Classification via Test-Time Augmentation - Sadikul Alim Toki | |
9:45 AM (MT) | 2.0404 Design and Testing of TRL5 IPEx Actuators - Casey Clark | 7.0701 Capabilities and Recent Projects of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory’s Guidance and Control Section - David Sternberg | 4.0904 Mitigation of Turbulence Losses over Terrestrial Laser Links for Quantum and Optical Communications - Marc Sanchez Net | 5.0801 Feasibility Analysis of Distributed Space Antennas Using Electromagnetic Formation Flight - Seang Shim | 8.0905 Monte Carlo Methods: Modeling TEG Material Property Uncertainty Propagation and Sensitivity - Carter Gassler | 13.0105 Tradespace Exploration of Large Lunar Mars Analog Campaigns - Lanie McKinney | 10.0813 How Important Are Data Augmentations to Close the Domain Gap for Object Detection in Orbit? - Maximilian Ulmer | |
10:10 AM (MT) | 2.0405 The DLR AutoNav Experiment with the IDEFIX Rover: Software Architecture & Preliminary Ops Concept - Mallikarjuna Vayugundla | 7.0702 Fast Fuel-Optimal Constrained Impulsive Control with Application to Distributed Spacecraft - Matthew Hunter | 4.0906 Comparison of Error Probability Analyses for Asynchronous DS-CDMA Satellite Communication Systems - Len Yip | 5.0802 Propellant-Free Rendezvous Mission of SNUGLITE-III CubeSat: Orbit Control Using Aerodynamic Forces - Jae Woong Hwang | 8.0907 Mixed Quasi-Steady and Transient Modeling of Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators - Joseph VanderVeer | 13.0107 Validation of a Scenario-Based Approach to Assess Gaps in Earth Observations - Katharine Burn | 10.0815 Bridging the Data Gap of Asteroid Exploration: OAISYS Extention for Synthetic Asteriods Creation - Wout Boerdijk | |
10:35 AM (MT) | 2.0406 14 Rover-years of Slip Risk Assessment for Robotic Arm Safety - Aaron Curtis | 7.0703 Optimal Attitude Control of Large Flexible Space Structures with Distributed Momentum Actuators - Pedro Rocha Cachim | 4.0907 Scaling up Deep Reinforcement Learning for AI Using FPGAs - John Porcello | 9.0106 Design, Analysis and Fabrication of a Blended Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - SWARNA MAYURI KUMAR | 8.0909 Comparison of Radioisotope Power Systems to Enable the Endurance Mission Concept - Young Lee | 13.0109 Architecting the Martian Sample Handling System with Agile MBSE - James Wheaton | 10.0816 Evaluation and Integration of YOLO Models for Autonomous Crater Detection - William Zhang | |
11:00 AM (MT) | 14.11 PANEL: Commercial Space/Lunar Habitation, Exploration, and Resources: What is the Value Proposition? - John Scott , John Reed , Timothy Cichan , Vincent Bilardo , Craig Smugeresky | 2.0407 Robotics Capabilities Development for Mars Sample Return Transfer Activities - Joseph Bowkett |
7.0708 Linear Parameter Varying Attitude Control for CubeSats Using Electrospray Thrusters -
Christian Weiser
4.0908 Construction of Low-rate LDPC Codes from Rate ½ CCSDS Standard LDPC Codes - Richard Wesel | 9.0107 Multibody Dynamics Modelling of a Passive Pilot for Aircraft-Pilot-Coupling Investigation - Daniel Nelson | 13.0110 Doing More with Less: Co-Design of Human Moon and Mars Architectures with Their Funding Sources - George Lordos | 10.0701 Toward Intuitive Robot-to-Human Error Reporting to Enhance User Awareness in Space (Tele)Operation - Nesrine Batti | |
11:25 AM (MT) | 2.0408 Design Considerations for a 2-DOF Robotic Gantry to Support a Mars Sample Return ConOps - Richard Fleischner | 7.0710 A Crater-based Optical Navigation Approach for Precise Spacecraft Localization - Simone Andolfo | 4.0909 Parallel Trellis-Stage-Combining BCJR for High-Throughput CUDA Decoder of CCSDS SCPPM - Richard Wesel | 9.0113 Modeling of Active Control of the Wing Angle of Attack for a Flapping Wing Micro-Aerial Vehicle - Neil Schoenwetter | 13.0202 Using Large Language Models to Assist with Project Performance Assessment - Nipa Phojanamongkolkij | 10.0702 NASA’s Virtual Exploration Rendered Simulation Environment (NVERSE) - Tanner Hunt | ||
11:50 AM (MT) |
2.0409 Preliminary Design of the Robotic Pickup Install and Encapsulation Subsystem for CCRS -
John Luke Wolff
7.0712 An Indirect Approach to Solve a Pursuit-Evasion War Game between Two Spacecraft - Aden Funkhouser |
2.0301 Lidar-Based Landing Hazard Detection for Dragonfly -
Samuel Bibelhauser
13.0203 Integrated Analysis of Robustness and Flexibility in Management of Earth Observation Portfolios - Lindsey Jacobson | 10.0703 Enhancing Mobile Robot Teleoperation with Extended Predictive Polygon Method in Virtual Environment - Harsimran Singh | |||
1:00 PM (MT) |
14.04 PANEL: Progress and Plans for the Deep Space Human Exploration Architecture - Stephen Creech , Brian Derkowski , Barbara Cohen , Sarah Shull , Ben Cichy
1:25 PM (MT) | ||||||||
1:50 PM (MT) | ||||||||
2:15 PM (MT) | 14.09 PANEL: Commercial Services for Space Exploration - Stephen Creech , Jacqueline Cortese , Ryan Woolley , Paul Niles | |||||||
2:40 PM (MT) | ||||||||
3:05 PM (MT) | ||||||||
4:00 PM (MT) |
4:30 PM (MT) |
2.0502 DAVINCI Venus Descent Sphere Data Flow Design Overview and Initial Performance Estimates -
Jacob Hageman
7.0714 Contingency-Aware Station-Keeping Control of Halo Orbits - Fausto Vega | 4.1001 Enhancing Space Situational Awareness: Robust Millimeter-Wave Satellite Communication Solutions - Behzad Koosha | 6.0301 AquaSat-1: An Imaging Spectrometer for Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystem Monitoring from Space - David Ardila | 13.0206 Strengthening Knowledge Resilience in Innovative Organizations - JD Caddell | 8.0502 Enhancing Flight Deck Decision Support with Distributed GenAI: A Multi-Agent Approach - Jose De Almeida Prado | ||
4:55 PM (MT) |
2.0505 Concept for a Lunar Electromagnetic Launch System Architecture -
Luis Carrio
7.0802 Sub-attofarad Capacitance Sensor for High-precision Sensing in LISA - Benjamin Cella | 4.1002 Optical Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum: Thoughts and Experiments - Eugene Grayver | 6.0303 The Optical Design of the Carbon Investigation (Carbon-I) Imaging Spectrometer - Christine Bradley | 13.0207 Uncertainty Quantification in Rocket Engine Development and Its Implementation Using MBSE - Danielle McDowell | 8.0503 Unobtrusive Monitoring of Sensorimotor Performance in Ground-Based Functional Tasks - Hannah Weiss | ||
5:20 PM (MT) |
2.0506 OptiDrill: Next-Generation Instrumented Drill for In-Situ Planetary Surface Analysis -
Joseph Palmowski
Plenary Setup & Testing | 4.1003 Radio Transmitter Development to Support multi-Gbps Satellite Downlinks in Ka-band - Masatoshi Kobayashi | 6.0302 Preliminary Thermal Design of the OTTER Instrument for the SBG-TIR Study - Ian McKinley | 10.0201 A Fractal UML Design Pattern for Collaborative Object Trees - Jeremiah Finnigan | 8.0504 Characterizing Spontaneous Self-Scheduling in NASA’s Human Exploration Research Analog Campaign 6 - Renee Abbott | ||
5:50 PM (MT) |
Illuminating the Dynamic Night Sky: Discoveries of the Zwicky Transient Facility Shri Kulkarni, California Institute of Technology |
6:35 PM (MT) |
7:05 PM (MT) |
8:05 PM (MT) |
Preserving the Past – Underwater History Through a 3D Lens Brett Seymour, National Park Service |
9:00 PM (MT) |
2.0507 Future Martian Landing Science Targets and Implications for Exploration Architecture -
Laura Kerber
4.1302 Onboard Implementation and Validation of RTK-Based Relative Navigation System for CubeSats - Hanjoon Shim | 13.0209 A Case Study in Implementing SMC/NSS Mission Risk Class Requirements - Ian Claypool | 8.0601 Sensorimotor Impairment Related to Vestibular Adaptation to Altered Gravity - Torin Clark | ||||
9:25 PM (MT) |
2.0509 MSR Returned Sample Handling and Sample Removal Technology Development -
Paulo Younse
4.1303 Sensor Fusion for Autonomous Orbit Determination and Time Synchronization in Lunar Orbit - Guillem Casadesus Vila | 13.0210 Delivering a Complex Payload for the International Space Station during COVID - Charlene Ung | 8.0604 A Soft-Tissue and Sensor Model of Exoskeletons for Amplifying Astronaut Strength - Lewis Simms | ||||
9:50 PM (MT) | 4.1304 PHODCOS: Pythagorean Hodograph-based Differentiable Coordinate System - Jon Arrizabalaga | 8.0607 Utilizing Closed-Loop Physiological Feedback for Dynamic Compression in Soft Robotic Wearables - Cort Reinarz | ||||||
10:15 PM (MT) |
Fireside Cheer
Thu, Mar 6 | Amphitheatre | Jefferson | Madison | Gallatin | Lake/Canyon | Lamar/Gibbon | Dunraven | Cheyenne |
8:30 AM (MT) |
8.0701 Measuring and Mitigating Roman Space Telescope Reaction Wheel Imbalance Forces and Torques -
Robert Campion
2.0512 Overview and Results from NASA’s Break the Ice Lunar Challenge - Kurt Leucht | 7.0902 Cross-Examining the Computational Performance of Radiation-Tolerant NVIDIA and AMD SoCs - Richard Briggs | 4.0702 Testbed for Modulating Retroreflectors Enabled Passive Optical Communications - Lin Yi | 9.0305 Determining the Effect of BVID with Optical Fiber Sensors and Composite Material Strength - Sydney Houck | 11.0101 A Physical Model-based Methodology for RUL Prognostics of Rolling Element Bearings - Konstantinos Gryllias | 13.0301 Need for and Benefits of Additional Real-World Project Modeling Capabilities: Part 2 - Robert Richards | 10.0601 Onboard Estimation of Physical Parameters in Active Neutron Spectroscopy Data - Jack Lightholder |
8:55 AM (MT) | 8.0702 Friction in Space – Analysis of Robotic Joint Friction in Space Conditions - Anton Shu | 2.0513 Revolutionizing Lunar Subsurface Exploration through Instrumented Drilling Technologies - Joseph Palmowski |
7.0904 RarePlanes Detection Using YOLOv5 on the Versal Adaptive SoC -
Jacob Brown
4.0704 Orbit Determination and Time Synchronization for Future Mars Relay and Navigation Constellation - William Jun | 9.0401 Autonomous Navigation and Station-keeping of High-Altitude Balloon Using Extremum Seeking Control - Telema Harry | 11.0104 Modular AI for Faults: Local Watch and Efficient Response - Evan Finnigan | 13.0302 IMAP (Ultra), You Map, We All Map Cost Savings to Heritage - Rachel Sholder | 10.0621 Machine Learning Convergence Behavior for an Airborne Surveillance Mission - Daniel Clancy |
9:20 AM (MT) | 8.0703 Combating Amine Blush: Root Cause and Corrective Action of a Compromised Bond on Europa Clipper - Jon Hamel | 2.0514 The CHOPPER Next-Generation Mars Rotorcraft: Scaling Ingenuity by a Factor 20 - Laura Jones-Wilson |
2.0701 Optimization of Satellite Formation Reconfiguration -
Aaron Hoskins
4.0707 Expendable Nanosats Concept for Uranus Exploration - Lin Yi | 9.0402 Evaluation of Automatic Landmark Selection Strategies for Navigation of Unmanned Aircraft - Nikolaus Ammann | 11.0107 Automated Rotorcraft Turboshaft Engine Performance Monitoring Using a Transfer Learning Approach - David He | 13.0303 Holistic Integration of Performance and Programmatic Metrics in Analysis of Alternatives - Patrick Malone | 10.0602 A Lightweight Anomaly Detection Model in Aero Turbine Borescope Using Unsupervised Deep Learning - Seongjun Ha |
9:45 AM (MT) | 8.0707 Data-Driven Physics-Based Digital Twin for Linkage Analysis - Mitchell Fogelson | 2.0515 Conceptual Design of a Mars Exploration Helicopter Packaged in an Accommodation Enclosure - Lindsay Sheppard |
2.0702 Stochastic Multistage Satellite Constellation Reconfiguration for Tracking Uncertain Targets -
Brycen Pearl
4.0709 High Data Rates from the Outer Solar System - Kar Ming Cheung | 9.0410 Nonlinear MPC for Stabilizing the Longitudinal Dynamics of a Highly Unstable Aircraft - Paulina Conrad |
11.0110 Rapid Measurement of the Internal Impedance of Batteries up to 100VDC -
Bryce Hill
13.0304 Evaluating and Minimizing Cost Estimating Bias Early in Program Development - Patrick Malone | 10.0603 Space Domain Awareness of Debris Evaluated through Synthetic Data - Victor Vergara |
10:10 AM (MT) | 8.0714 DEVELOPMENT of a SELF-RESETABLE, LOW-SHOCK HOLD-DOWN and RELEASE MECHANISMS - Tom Sproewitz | 2.0601 Development of a Dual Wavelength Microchip Laser for NASA’s Raman Mass Spectrometer (RAMS) - Matthew Mullin |
2.0704 Convex Station-Keeping Control of Halo Orbits Using a Solar Sail -
Fausto Vega
4.0801 Backup Routing considering Multiple Link Failures in Optical Communication Satellite Networks - Kazuki Takashima | 9.0411 Dual-Control Autopilot Design for Combined Tail& Divert Thruster Controlled Hit-to-Kill Interceptor - Daniel Boudreau | 11.0801 Unleashing the Cognitive Digital Twin via Semantic Orchestration - Mark Walker |
Study Hall
10.0604 Distributed Federated Learning in Satellite Constellations: A Framework for in Orbit ML - Pooria Madani |
10:35 AM (MT) | 8.0801 First Year of Psyche Electric Propulsion Cruise Operations - Steve Snyder | 2.0602 Advancing Lunar Exploration: The Neutral Gas Mass Spectrometer for Regolith and Exosphere Analysis - Rico Fausch |
2.0705 Decentralized Impulse Control for Multiagent Space Systems -
Xun Liu
4.0803 Free-Space Optical Communication Using an Optical Frequency Comb and Modulating Retroreflectors - Lin Yi | 9.0413 A Model-Free Data-Driven Algorithm for Continuous-Time Control - Sean Bowerfind |
13.0402 A Distributed Simulation Framework Applied to Artemis Analysis, Studies, Integration, and Test -
Keaton Dodd
10.0607 Spacecraft Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection in the Presence of Non-Anomalous Spikes - Alexandre Olive Pellicer | |
11:00 AM (MT) | 8.0803 Assessment of Propellant Droplet Contamination Effects on the Europa Clipper Spacecraft - John Anderson | 2.0603 Design and Testing of a Sample Handling System for Operation on the Lunar Surface - Peter Wurz |
2.0706 Information-Optimal Multi-Spacecraft Positioning for Interstellar Object Exploration -
Arna Bhardwaj
4.0804 LuPNT: An Open-Source Simulator for Lunar Communications, Positioning, Navigation, and Timing - Guillem Casadesus Vila | 9.0606 Verification and Clearance of Flight Control Software for High-Altitude Long Endurance Aircraft - Christian Weiser |
13.0403 Many Minds, One Truth: A Concurrent Engineering Collaborative Tool in the Integrated Design Center -
Elizabeth Matson
10.0608 Explainability for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Control via Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning - Christian Clark | |
11:25 AM (MT) | 8.0806 Power System for a Venus Aerobot - Joel Schwartz | 2.0604 PlumeCAS: A Novel Plume Capture and Potential Biosignature Detection Instrument - Frank Sheeran |
4.0205 Multicast Communications with Uplink Broadcast in a Proliferated Low Earth Orbit Satellite Network -
Aradhana Narula-Tam
13.0405 Mars Sample Recovery Helicopter Aerial Mode Commander Design Using Executable Models -
Laura Jones-Wilson
10.0103 Analysis of Various Injector Shapes to Improve Air-Fuel Mixing inside a Scramjet Combustor -
Alexey Simonov
11:50 AM (MT) |
2.0605 Ionospheric Observations and ISS Frame Charging during the March and April 2023 G4 Solar Storms -
Carlos Maldonado
4.0105 A Rapid, Low-Cost Path to Lunar Communication and Navigation with a Lunar Surface Station -
William Jun
13.0406 Assessing Science Robustness in Uncertain Environments: Application to a Uranus Flagship Mission -
Chloe Gentgen
1:00 PM (MT) | ||||||||
1:25 PM (MT) | ||||||||
1:50 PM (MT) | ||||||||
2:15 PM (MT) | ||||||||
2:40 PM (MT) | ||||||||
3:05 PM (MT) | ||||||||
4:00 PM (MT) |
4:30 PM (MT) |
2.0802 Laboratory Testing of a Radiation Hardened 2D Imaging Anode for Charged Particle Spectrometry -
Daniel Arnold
2.0707 Stochastic Models for Remote Sensing Coverage Analysis Limited by Geophysical Conditions - Jonathan Sipps | 4.1306 Comparative Analysis and Design of a Dual-Satellite System for Lunar Rover Localization - Kaila Coimbra | 6.0403 Ice-Bed Detection Capabilities of a Low-VHF Radar on a Small UAS - Gabriel Rose | 13.0408 Structural Equation Modeling for Efficient Mission Formulation - Alfred Nash | 10.0609 Space-LLaVA: A Vision-Language Model Adapted to Extraterrestrial Applications - Matt Foutter | ||
4:55 PM (MT) | 2.0805 Fault Mitigation for SNN Classification of Neuromorphic Event Streams with Radiation-Induced Noise - Joshua Poravanthattil | 2.0708 Electro-Optical Sensor Design for Space Traffic Management in Cislunar Space - Chingiz Akniyazov | 4.1308 On-Orbit Demonstration of Range-Only Navigation for Small Satellite Formations - Ibrahima S. Sow | 6.0404 Outdoor Long Range Object Detection Experiments with Event-Based Sensors - David Ziehl | 13.0409 Leveraging Deep Reinforcement Learning for Spacecraft Configuration Design - Alexander Demagall | 10.0610 Ensuring Accurate Navigation Solution in GPS-Denied Scenarios with Machine Learning - Amir Saeed | ||
5:20 PM (MT) | Plenary Setup & Testing | 6.0401 Remote Sensing Dual-Band LWIR Thermometry Enhancements via Passive and Active Sensor Fusion - Darin Dunham | 13.0502 Event-Driven Simulation for Rapid Iterative Development of Distributed Space Flight Software - Toby Bell | |||||
5:50 PM (MT) |
Wildfires are inevitable. How can we minimize human suffering? Phil Higuera, University of Montana |
6:35 PM (MT) |
7:05 PM (MT) |
8:05 PM (MT) |
Fishing for Invasive Lake Trout with Airborne Lidar Joseph Shaw, Montana State University |
9:00 PM (MT) | 2.1002 Designing a Near-Earth Asteroid Survey for a Telescope in Geosynchronous Orbit - Sophia Vlahakis | 2.0711 Markov Decision Processes for Satellite Maneuver Planning and Collision Avoidance - William Kuhl | 4.1309 Initial Orbit Determination with Sequential Stellar Aberration Measurements - Michela Mancini | 6.0405 Advancements in Chree’s Method for Enhanced Signal Amplitude Estimation in Remote Sensing - Darin Dunham | 13.0503 Silent Steps: Mitigation and Analysis of Stepper Motor Induced Jitter on the RST - David Schwartz | 10.0611 Neural Radiance Methods for Lunar Terrain Modeling - Ellemieke Van Kints | ||
9:25 PM (MT) | 2.1006 The Pan-STARRS Search for Near-Earth Objects: 10 Years Old, and Still Going Strong - Richard Wainscoat | 2.0716 A MicroSatellite Mission to Sample LEO and Lower MEO Environment - Giovanni Palmerini | 4.1402 Cost-Effective Integration of CNS Infrastructure for Urban Air Mobility: Insights and Strategies - Faizana Naeem | 6.0602 Federated Learning for Low-Latency Emitter Identification from Space - Max Cui-Stein | 13.0505 Post-Launch Verification of Lucy Solar Array Deployment - Jessica Lounsbury | 10.0614 Compositional Diffusion Models for Powered Descent Trajectory Generation with Flexible Constraints - Enrico Zucchelli | ||
9:50 PM (MT) | ||||||||
10:15 PM (MT) |
Fireside Cheer
Fri, Mar 7 | Amphitheatre | Jefferson | Madison | Gallatin | Lake/Canyon | Lamar/Gibbon | Dunraven | Cheyenne |
8:30 AM (MT) | 13.0602 Managing TVAC Vibration for Optical Testing of the Roman Space Telescope - Cory Smiley |
4.1504 Space Cybersecurity Incident Response Framework: A Viasat Case Study -
Nick Saunders
13.0801 Authenticating Agile Principles for Government Transformation - Saahil Panikar | |||||
8:55 AM (MT) | 13.0604 SysML Success Tree for DAVINCI In-Situ Campaign Requirements Validation and Redundancy Assessment - Khary Parker | 4.1505 A Model Based System Security Goal Elicitation Method Applied to a Space Traffic Management System - Martin Span | 13.0802 Behavioral PM: The Impact of Environment on Decision Making, Team Dynamics, and Project Success - Brendan Kach | |||||
9:20 AM (MT) | 13.0605 A Software Environment for Psyche Testbed Operation - Myra Lattimore | 4.1508 Mechanical Vibration vs RF Characteristic: A Meta Fingerprinting Approach for UAV Classification - Ying Wang |
13.0804 Cislunar Security Architecture: A QUAD Perspective -
Timiebi Aganaba
9:45 AM (MT) | 13.0606 Friction Analysis of the Motion Suspension System for Improved Space Robot Testing - Ferdinand Elhardt |
13.0805 An Agile Ethos for Rapid Space Capability Delivery -
Barbara Braun
10:10 AM (MT) | 13.0610 Highlights of the Psyche Environmental Assurance Program - Travis Imken | |||||||
7:00 PM (MT) |
Concluding Dinner